
Kutatásaink négy fő téma köré összpontosulnak: hálózattudomány, oktatási adattudomány, egészségügyi adatelemzés és intelligens monitorozás & anomáliadetektálás.


Topicality boosts popularity: a comparative analysis of NYT articles and Reddit memes

Barnes, K., Juhász, P., Nagy, M., & Molontay. R. (2024)

Social Network Analysis and Mining 14, 119, Springer Nature


Color-avoiding percolation and branching processes

Fekete, P., Molontay, R., Ráth, B., & Varga, K. (2024)

Journal of Applied Prorability, 1–25, Cambridge University Press


Progress in the valorization of biomass: a statistical perspective

Barabás, B., Fülöp, O., Nagy, M., & Pályi, G. (2024)

Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 1-22, Springer


Color-avoiding connected spanning subgraphs with minimum number of edges

Pintér, J, Varga, K (2024)

Discrete Applied Mathematics 349, 25-43, Elsevier


Towards a better understanding of the characteristics of fractal networks

Zakar-Polyák, E., Nagy, M., & Molontay, R. (2023)

Applied Network Science, 8, 17, Springer


Investigating the origins of fractality based on two novel fractal network models

Zakar-Polyák, E., Nagy, M., & Molontay, R. (2023)

In Complex Networks XIII: Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Complex Networks, CompleNet 2022 (pp. 43-54)


Network classification-based structural analysis of real networks and their model-generated counterparts

Nagy, M. & Molontay, R. (2022)

Network Science 1-24


Comparative analysis of box-covering algorithms for fractal networks

Kovács, P.T., Nagy, M. & Molontay, R. (2021)

Applied Network Science 6, 73, Springer


Twenty Years of Network Science: A Bibliographic and Co-Authorship Network Analysis

Molontay, R., & Nagy, M. (2021)

In Big Data and Social Media Analytics (pp. 1-24). Springer, Cham


Dank or Not? – Analyzing and Predicting the Popularity of Memes on Reddit

Barnes, K., Riesenmy, T., Trinh, M. D., Lleshi, E., Balogh, N., & Molontay, R. (2021)

Applied Network Science, 6(21), Springer


Two Decades of Network Science: as seen through the co-authorship network of network scientists

Molontay, R., & Nagy, M. (2019)

In Proceedings of The 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, pp. 578-583


On the structural properties of social networks and their measurement-calibrated synthetic counterparts

Nagy, M., & Molontay, R. (2019)

In Proceedings of The 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, pp. 584-588


Transfinite fractal dimension of trees and hierarchical scale-free graphs

Komjáthy, J., Molontay, R., & Simon, K. (2019)

Journal of Complex Networks, 7(5), pp. 764-791


The Co-Authorship Network and Scientific Impact of László Lovász

Barabás B., Fülöp O., & Molontay R. (2019)

Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 108, pp. 187-192


On the Complexity of Color-Avoiding Site and Bond Percolation

Molontay, R., & Varga, K. (2019)

In Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, pp. 354-367, Springer


Impact of the Discovery of Fluorous Biphasic Systems on Chemistry: A Statistical and Network Analysis

Barabás, B., Fülöp, O., Molontay, R., & Pályi, G. (2017)

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5(9), pp. 8108-8118, IEEE


Oktatási adattudomány

Using Machine Learning Methods To Develop Person-Centered Models Predicting STEM Major Choice

Nagy, M., Main, J., Molontay, R., & Griffith, A. (2023)

European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)


Interpretable Dropout Prediction: Towards XAI-Based Personalized Intervention

Nagy, M., & Molontay, R. (2023)

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education


How to improve the predictive validity of a composite admission score? A case study from Hungary

Molontay, R., & Nagy, M. (2022)

Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-19


Assessing the Effects of a Reformed System of Student Evaluation of Teaching

Lukáts, G. D., Berezvai, Z., & Molontay, R. (2022)

Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences


Teaching Mathematics Online with Increased Empathy in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Fülöp, O., & Nagy, M. (2021)

Opus et Educatio 8(3) (pp. 297-303)


Traits versus Grades — The Incremental Predictive Power of Positive Psychological Factors over Pre-Enrollment Achievement Measures on Academic Performance

Séllei, B., Stumphauser, N., & Molontay, R. (2021)

Applied Sciences


Comprehensive Analysis of the Predictive Validity of University Entrance Score in Hungary

Nagy, M. & Molontay, R. (2021)

Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education


A kollégiumi lét egyetemi teljesítményre gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata

Zeleny, K., Molontay, R., & Szabó, M. (2021)

Statisztikai Szemle


Comparing the effectiveness of two remedial mathematics courses using modern regression discontinuity techniques

Baranyi, M. & Molontay, R. (2020)

Interactive Learning Environments


Interpretable Deep Learning for University Dropout Prediction

Baranyi, M., Nagy, M., & Molontay, R. (2020)

In Proceedings of the 21th Annual SIG Conference on Information Technology Education


Can Professors Buy Better Evaluation with Lenient Grading? - The Effect of Grade Inflation on Student Evaluation of Teaching

Berezvai, Z., Lukáts, G. D., & Molontay, R. (2020)

Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education


Characterizing Curriculum Prerequisite Networks by a Student Flow Approach

Molontay, R., Horváth, N., Bergmann, J., Szekrényes, D., & Szabó, M. (2020)

IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies


Kreditrendszerű képzések mintatanterveinek és előtanulmányi hálóinak elemzése a hazai matematika alapszakok példáján

Molontay, R., Horváth, N., Bergmann, J., Szekrényes, D., & Szabó, M. (2020)

Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 37(1), pp. 9-45


Predicting Dropout Using High School and First-semester Academic Achievement Measures

Kiss, B., Nagy, M., Molontay, R., & Csabay, B. (2019)

In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications, IEEE


Modeling Students' Academic Performance Using Bayesian Networks

Baranyi, M., Gál, K., Molontay, R., & Csabay, B. (2019)

In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications, IEEE


A Web Application for Predicting Academic Performance and Identifying the Contributing Factors

Nagy, M., Molontay, R., & Szabó, M. (2019)

In Proceedings of The 47th SEFI Annual Conference, pp. 1794-1806


A pénzügyi ösztönzők hatása az egyetemi oktatók osztályozási gyakorlatára

Berezvai Z., Lukáts G., & Molontay R. (2019)

Közgazdasági Szemle, 66, pp. 733-750


Effect of Mathematics Remediation on Academic Achievements - a regression discontinuity approach

Baranyi, M., & Molontay, R. (2019)

In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Educational Technology, pp. 29-33, IEEE


Who are the Most Important ,,Suppliers’’ for Universities? - Ranking secondary schools based on their students' university performance

Horváth, N, Molontay, R., & Szabó, M. (2019)

In Proceedings of the 2nd Danube Conference: In search of excellence in higher education, pp. 133-143


Predicting Dropout in Higher Education based on Secondary School Performance

Nagy, M., & Molontay, R. (2018)

In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, pp. 389-394, IEEE


Visualizing Student Flows to Track Retention and Graduation Rates

Horváth, M. D., Molontay, R., & Szabó, M. (2018)

In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Visualisation pp. 338-343, IEEE


Adattudományi módszerek az orvostudományban

EASY-APP: An artificial intelligence model and application for early and easy prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis

Kui, B., Pintér, J., Molontay, R., Nagy, M., ... & Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group (2022)

Clinical and Translational Medicine, 12(6), e842


Early prediction of acute necrotizing pancreatitis by artificial intelligence: a prospective cohort-analysis of 2387 cases

Kiss, S., Pintér, J., Molontay, R., Nagy, M., ... & Szentesi, A (2022)

Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-11


Intelligens monitorozás, állapotelőrejelzés és anomáliadetektálás

Tournament schedules and incentives in a double round-robin tournament with four teams

Csató, L., Molontay, R., & Pintér, J. (2023)

International Transactions in Operational Research


Copula-Based Anomaly Scoring of High-Dimensional Data with Application in Telecommunication Networks

Horváth, G., Kovács, E., Molontay, R., & Nováczki, S. (2020)

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology


Markovian Queue with Garbage Collection

Horváth, I., Finta, I., Kovács, F., Mészáros, A., Molontay, R., & Varga, K. (2017)

In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10378, pp. 109-144, Springer


Cross-Correlation Based Clustering and Dimension Reduction of Multivariate Time Series

Egri, A., Horváth, I., Kovács, F., Molontay, R., & Varga, K. (2017)

In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems pp. 242-246, IEEE


Fingerprinting and Reconstruction of Functionals of Discrete Time Markov Chains

Egri, A., Horváth, I., Kovács, F., & Molontay, R. (2016)

In the proceedings 23rd International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9845, pp. 140-154, Springer